Annette and I minutes before our 5k and 10k, respectively
Anyway... I have to hand it to Annette. About 38 hours earlier she was in a lot of pain at Universal Studios. A "Baker's cyst" burst behind her knee and she ended up at Urgent Care. But she powered through the 5k and still beat over 100 other runners!
I didn't have my best race but I set another "PR". I put that in quotes because I don't think the course was measured properly. My Garmin had me at just under 6 miles. That being said, I'm still happy with my effort. Sometimes you know you just don't "have it" that day but you have to dig deep and just do your best. It probably didn't help that I only got about 6 hours of sleep and I walked/jogged 3.5 miles to the race itself rather than drive there from our AirBnB.
I'm still feeling good about my running and health. The pace of my improvement in time seems similar to my weight loss a few years ago. It may be leveling off after about 9-12 months. I'm sure I still have plenty of PRs in me but I have to keep my goals realistic.